WP7 – Sharing data between pages with MVVM

Since the start of my WP7 app, I have leveraged IOC (specifically Ninject) to fill dependencies on my ViewModels following the MVVM Light samples.  To briefly summarize, I have an app level resource called Locator which provides properties for each of my ViewModels.  These properties get the instance from the IOC container. 


    public class ViewModelLocator
        public static IKernel Container { get; private set;}

        static ViewModelLocator()
            Container = new StandardKernel(new ViewModelNinjectModule());

        public ITrackViewModel TrackViewModel { get { return Container.Get<ITrackViewModel>(); } }
    public class ViewModelNinjectModule : NinjectModule
        public override void Load()


public class TrackViewModel : ITrackViewModel
    public TrackViewModel(ApplicationState appState)
        ApplicationState = appState;
    public ApplicationState { get; set; }

Ninject handles filling the constructor dependencies on my ViewModels.  If I need to obtain data from a previous page, the ViewModel will have a constructor parameter of type ApplicationState.  ApplicationState is a POC with properties for each bit of data that I need to pass between pages.

public class ApplicationState
    public Customer SelectedCustomer { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<CartItem> CartItems { get; set; }


So to share data between two pages I create a data property in ApplicationState, add an ApplicationState constructor parameter to each ViewModel and set/get the property appropriately.  Only one instance of ApplicationState is created. 

Kevin Wolf blogged about a NavDictionary he uses to pass state between pages.  So if your not using MVVM this is an alternative solution.

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